How can you be, oh little fig tree
That you grow from a wall so much higher than me?
You grow with no soil and you grow with no water
From a vertical surface from which you ought to
Plummet and perish somewhere on the ground
But instead you’re alive in this niche that you’ve found
I’ve spent lots of time and a fair bit of dough
Planting shoots from big fig trees, though they never grow
I could be an oul’ cheat and get one from the shop
In its sunny location it would soon yield a crop
But it’s so satisfying to propagate life one’s self
Where is the pleasure if it’s bought off-the-shelf?
Your seed found a crevice in my four metre wall
The minutest wee hole that I can’t see at all
Surviving the drought and sun’s Balkan degrees
You’re a tough little cookie; the Rambo of trees
But how did you get there? That’s got me perplexed
Oh the wonders of nature, and whatever next?